Sunday, 29 September 2019

Pre Conference Workshops

When international scholars, passionate teachers and researchers, dedicated activists, and like-minded enthusiasts gather – opportunities arise. HCC2019 conference organizers have seized one such opportunity by curating a series of pre-conference workshops (described below) to be held on Sunday, 29 September 2019, the day before HCC2019 opens, and which will take place in the Vancouver Island Ballroom of the Hotel Grand Pacific (463 Belleville Street, Victoria, V8V 1X3) NOT in the Victoria Conference Centre.

We are privileged and fortunate that our esteemed HCC2019 Keynote Speakers – Jean Watson, Peggy Chinn, Janet Quinn, Lisa Bourque Bearskin, and Marcia Hills – and our WCSI Colleagues from the US – Jan Anderson and Lynne Wagner – have agreed to arrive early and deliver these workshops.

Note that Pre-Conference Workshop tickets can be purchased together with your conference registration or they can be purchased separately!

Because these tickets are available to the public and because the workshop venues have limited capacity, we expect them to sell out early. Don’t delay and be disappointed. Buy your tickets now! 

Click Title for Details
09:00am - noon Lisa Bourque Bearskin | Leanne Kelly | Kathleen Harris | Dwayne Pettyjohn | Joan Humphries | Carol McDonald Caring About the Indigenous Context
09:00am - noon Jean Watson | Marcia Hills Transforming Healthcare Systems Through Caring Science: Nurses Leading Change
Lunch - On Your Own!
1:00pm - 4:00pm Peggy Chinn Caring and Serious Anti-Racism Work for Nurses
1:00pm - 4:00pm Jan Anderson | Lynne Wagner Transforming Healthcare Systems Through Caritas Coaching
1:00pm - 4:00pm Janet Quinn​ Caring and The Way of the Healer: Recovering the Sacred in Nursing and Healthcare

Caring and The Way of the Healer: Recovering the Sacred in Nursing and Healthcare

Janet F. Quinn, RN, PhD, FAAN

In walking the way of the healer, we are gently invited to remember what, intuitively, we all know: that, as potent as most any treatment we offer, we are medicine, and that our ordinary nursing/health care practice has the potential of being not only healing to body and mind, but nourishing for the soul; not only competent and effective, but sacred and profound; not only for patients and clients, but for ourselves. The caring/healing relationship can provide us with both our life’s work and the deepest spiritual practice.
In this highly experiential workshop we will explore the nature of healing (versus curing and fixing) and the fundamental perspectives and qualities required in the art of healing facilitation. We will address the spiritual dimensions of nursing/healing practice and the inner way of the healer as a spiritual path which offers the opportunity for profound personal and planetary transformation.

“Strive to awaken the divine spirit of love in yourself, to awaken it in doing your present work, however you may have erred in the past… An eternal course is before us.”
~ Florence Nightingale, in Suggestions for Thought.
Editors: Calabria, M. and Macrae, J. 1994, Philadelphia:University of Pennsylvania Press

Transforming Healthcare Systems Through Caring Science: Nurses Leading Change​

Jean Watson, RN, PhD, FAAN

A distinct disciplinary foundation for nursing will elevate caring science ontological and epistemological standards: for pedagogy, for professional practice authentication, and for desired education and practice outcomes – thereby nurturing mature, caring-healing, health professionals for the public.
Creative, whole-person human caring science, discipline-specific approaches will unite and elevate nursing education and practice. This unity will help to shift the future of healthcare: from Caritas to Communitas as nursing’s timeless and enduring global covenant to humanity.

In this workshop, we will provide a values-guided Caring Science framework as the core theoretical-philosophical context for unifying nursing education and practice. We will share past and contemporary exemplars from the field and explore new ideas and imaginative possibilities among the participants.

Marcia Hills, RN, PhD, FAAN

Caring and Serious Anti-Racism Work for Nurses

Peggy Chinn, RN, PhD, FAAN

This workshop will explore ways to uncover hidden signs of racism in nursing, particularly signs of white privilege even when this is not intended. We will practice emancipatory turns toward constructive ways to address specific instances for white/settler people who want to make change and for indigenous/people of color who want to confront aggressions at all levels.
How can I recognize and acknowledge actions and words that signal racism (white/settler privilege) in nursing?
How can I change my own participation in sustaining racism (white/settler privilege) in nursing?
What words and actions can I embrace to interrupt white/settler privilege in nursing?

Caring Science in Action Through Caritas Coaching

Jan Anderson, EdD, MSN, RN, AHN-BC, Caritas Coach
A. Lynne Wagner, EdD, MSN, RN, FACCE, CHMT, Caritas Coach

Caritas Coaching, founded on Watson’s Caring Science, is a unique form of coaching that is personally and professionally life-changing and able to transform relationships and environments in healing ways. Caritas Coaching expands the current view of coaching to include a focus on the health and healing of the coach herself as a necessary first step to her coaching and caring for others. Fostering human dignity, wholeness, and connection, begins with the inner work needed to increase self-care, self-awareness, and self-knowledge – accomplished through multiple ways of knowing, intentional presence, a loving-caring consciousness, and wellbeing. This inner work and the personal/professional caring-healing practices require love, compassion, and equanimity for self and others.
The Watson Caring Science Institute (WCSI) Caritas Coach Education Program® (CCEP) offers a faculty-coach guided structured caritas journey as a hybrid online 6-month course with two onsite intensive learning experiences.
In this workshop, we will share current research into caritas coaching and CCEP. Participants will enjoy experiential activities during the workshop and will learn about Caritas Coaching and Caring Science at a deeper level through meaningful reflective and interactive fun experiences.

Caring About the Indigenous Context

Lisa Bourque Bearskin | Leanne Kelly | Kathleen Harris | Dwayne Pettyjohn | Joan Humphries | Carol McDonald

In Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission Calls to Action, schools of nursing and medicine across the country have been charged with responsibility to ensure health care practitioners are well equipped, both intellectually and emotionally, to provide health care to Indigenous people with cultural humility. It is suggested that Truth must proceed reconciliation. Indeed, settler knowledge of the historical experiences of Indigenous peoples is central to understanding their current relationships in the health care system. This workshop will include a number of ways to deepen our understanding of the historical and contemporary experiences of Indigenous people in relation to institutions such as Canada’s Residential Schools and “Indian Hospitals”. Together, participants will explore these realities and explore how we move forward in relationship with humility.
Workshops participants will have the opportunity to:
Deepen their understanding of the historical and contemporary experiences of Indigenous people in relation to institutions such as Canada’s Residential Schools and “Indian Hospitals”.
Explore their personal relationship to Calls to Action of Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the principle of the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP).
Expand understandings of racism, cultural humility and to engage in the process of asking difficult questions.
The workshop is grounded with a ceremony in which participants come together with open hearts and good intention.
The workshop begins with a panel of Indigenous nurses who speak from their own experience of nursing education and nursing in community.
A didactic portion of the workshop will provide knowledge of the historical relationships of Indigenous people with Canada’s education and health care system, including analysis of the ongoing effects of multi-generational trauma. This historical knowledge will be juxtaposed with historical and contemporary nursing theories of care that inform practice nursing engagement with Indigenous peoples. Additionally, presenters will review the underpinning documents of Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP).
Participants will engage in guided self-reflection in exploring their individual responses and relationship to the lived realities of Indigenous people.
Participants will gather in facilitated small groups to discuss topics such as cultural humility, living the TRC, and the dichotomy of racism in a caring curriculum. Efforts will be made to establish an emotionally safe environment for discussion, where difficult questions can be raised.
The final part of the day will be a coming together from group discussion and a ceremonial closing.