Preparation and Delivery of Presentations
Carefully review and follow these requirements, guidelines, and tips for preparing and delivering the various presentation formats for HCC2019.
Oral Presentations
Oral presentations will be grouped 3/room/90mins to provide opportunities for presenters and their audience to share ideas and questions amongst themselves during the 1½ hour long session. Individual oral presentations will be limited to 25 minutes (10 minutes presentation and 15 minutes discussions) with 5 minutes breaks between presentations.
Each oral presentation breakout room will be supplied and set up with a laptop computer and (depending on room size) either a projector and projection screen or a widescreen TV monitor.
There are no ‘requirements’ per se for oral presentations. But we ask you to reflect on our desire to be a conference with a difference by helping fulfill our commitment to encourage interactive dialogue.
Guidelines and Tips
De-emphasize the giving of information and focus on discussions about relevant issues.
Your scheduled Oral Presentation will be allocated 25 minutes. Keep your presentation time as short as possible so that you have the maximum time available for questions and discussion. We suggest that you try to limit your presentation of your material to 10 minutes, leaving 15 minutes for questions and discussion.
You are not required to use a PowerPoint or similar presentation but, if you do intend to, we ask that you save your presentation (16:9 format) as a PowerPoint (pptx) file* onto a CLEAN thumb drive and bring it with you to the conference (please include your unique presentation ID# in the file name). We will inform you when, how, and where we will load your presentation into the conference system. [*If you create your presentation using PowerPoint, simply Save the file. If you create your presentation using Google Slides, click File>Download>Microsoft Powerpoint (.pptx)]
In order to save the last minute rush for you and for us, you can also send your pptx file as an attachment to an email to using the subject line: Presentation Attached; or, if you are using Google Slides, you can share your presentation (via G Slides) to
You may want to also provide handouts to participants. How many audience participants? While we can’t predict how many will attend your presentation, we can forecast that approximately 150 people will be attending HCC2019. In the concurrent presentation sessions, 12 presentations (orals, e-posters, workshops, symposia, and world cafes) will be delivered simultaneously.
E-Poster Presentations
E-Posters are digital files that will be loaded onto laptop computers at the Victoria Conference Centre for display on wide screen television monitors.
An E-Poster is:
- a pdf document
- a single page
- set up in landscape mode (as opposed to portrait)
- aspect ratio 16:9
During the 25 minutes scheduled time for the presentation of your E-poster, the author(s) will be expected to be in attendance to present their poster and enter into discussions about it.
Guidelines and Tips
16:9 Aspect Ratio
16:9 aspect ratio is the current standard for television and computer monitors. It is not a print or photo format.
Therefore, the best ‘tool’ for preparing your 16:9 pdf is a presentation program such as Google Slides or Powerpoint. Simply prepare a single ‘slide’ in 16:9 format and save or export it as a pdf. We found this online reference that provides a link to a powerpoint template that could be useful.
The problem with using document software such as Google Docs or MS Word is that they are intended to produce printed documents on various paper sizes that do not include 16:9. Similarly, photo manipulation programs such as Photoshop or Gimp are aimed at photo paper sizes though these programs are usually able to output video or other formats.
There is no ‘best’ design for poster presentation; design is a matter of personal taste. However, you will be well guided by the slogan: less is more! Your E-Poster should be designed to stimulate and guide discussion not to contain and display information in itself. The presentation monitors are mounted above your presentation position which will make it difficult to read small print.
Do a Google image search for “16:9 scientific poster” to find many examples – some good… some not so much!
And images are always useful and appealing!
We ask that you save your presentation as a pdf file* onto a CLEAN thumb drive and bring it with you to the conference. We will inform you when, how, and where we will load your presentation into the conference system. [*If you create your presentation using PowerPoint, simply Save As>PDF. If you create your presentation using Google Slides, click File>Download>PDF Document (.pdf)]
In order to save the last minute rush for you and for us, you can also send your E-Poster pdf file as an attachment to an email to using the subject line: E-Poster Attached.
Your actual scheduled presentation of your E-Poster will be allocated 25 minutes.
You may want to provide handouts to participants. How many audience participants? While we can’t predict how many will attend your presentation, we can forecast that approximately 150 people will be attending HCC2019. In the concurrent presentation sessions, 12 presentations (orals, e-posters, workshops, symposia, and world cafes) will be delivered simultaneously.
A Symposium is designed to be a focused session in which speakers present on a common theme, issue or question.
Similar to Oral Presentations, symposia will include three 25 minute or four 20 minute oral presentations in an hour and half time slot. Symposia are moderated by the session chair identified in the abstract.
There are no ‘requirements’ per se for symposia presentations. But we ask you to reflect on our desire to be a conference with a difference by helping fulfill our commitment to encourage interactive dialogue.
Guidelines and Tips
De-emphasize the giving of information and focus on discussions about relevant issues.
Keep your presentation times as short as possible so that you have the maximum time available for questions and discussion.
You are not required to use a PowerPoint or similar presentations but, if you do intend to, we ask that you save your presentations (16:9 format) as a PowerPoint (pptx) file* onto a CLEAN thumb drive and bring it with you to the conference (please include your unique presentation ID# in the file name). We will inform you when, how, and where we will load your presentations into the conference system. [*If you create your presentations using PowerPoint, simply Save the file. If you create your presentation using Google Slides, click File>Download>Microsoft Powerpoint (.pptx)]
In order to save the last minute rush for you and for us, you can also send your pptx files as an attachments to an email to using the subject line: Presentation Attached; or, if you are using Google Slides, you can share your presentations (via G Slides) to
You may want to also provide handouts to participants. How many audience participants? While we can’t predict how many will attend your presentation, we can forecast that approximately 150 people will be attending HCC2019. In the concurrent presentation sessions, 12 presentations (orals, e-posters, workshops, symposia, and world cafes) will be delivered simultaneously.
Workshops are intended as forums to discuss a particular conference theme related topic in detail and build skills or resources in relation to it. They are facilitated, Interactive, 90 minute sessions that build capacities in particular areas.
Worshops are intended to be exactly that – working sessions, not presentations. If workshop organizers need or want to provide information to participants, it should be in the form of handouts (see Delivery below).
Guidelines and Tips
De-emphasize the giving of information and focus on having participants learn, integrate knowledge, and build skills on a specific topic.
You may want to provide handouts to participants. How many audience participants? While we can’t predict how many will attend your presentation, we can forecast that approximately 150 people will be attending HCC2019. In the concurrent presentation sessions, 12 presentations (orals, e-posters, workshops, symposia, and world cafes) will be delivered simultaneously.
World Cafés Discussions
World Café Discussions are used as a means of helping with brainstorming, exploratory, or evaluative processes.
In your Café, we suggest that you split participants into three or four groups (depending on audience size) and they will move from one facilitated round table discussion to the next. Each table will have a specific question related to the overall theme, and each round will last approximately 15 minutes. After the last round, the group will reconvene as a whole to discuss and reflect on the results of the small group discussions for the remainder of the 90 minute World Café Discussion.
The World Cafe room will NOT be set up with Audio Visual presentation equipment. The World Cafes are intended to be discussion sessions, not presentations. If World Cafe organizers need or want to provide information to participants, it should be in the form of handouts (see Delivery below).
Guidelines and Tips
The World Café is an exciting, innovative and emergent method for facilitating small group dialogue around a common theme, using several rounds of stimulating, compelling, and critical open-ended questions. A description of and guidelines for the World Café Method are available at
You may want to provide handouts to participants. How many audience participants? While we can’t predict how many will attend your presentation, we can forecast that approximately 150 people will be attending HCC2019. In the concurrent presentation sessions, 12 presentations (orals, e-posters, workshops, symposia, and world cafes) will be delivered simultaneously.