We hope that you have already noticed the Membership Bundle that will soon be for sale on the HCC2019 website. When you purchase the bundle, you will get a membership in the Global Alliance for Human Caring Education for which you will pay $50 and then, as a GAHCE member, you will receive a $100 membership discount on your conference registration.
Is that a true win-win? We believe it is!
Nevertheless, obvious questions that arise are worthy of answers.
What is the GAHCE? A full description of the GAHCE is on the HCC2019 website at https://humancaringeducation.org/gahce/ or click on the GAHCE logo on the home page. That page describes how GAHCE started as a virtual network to provide support to colleagues throughout the world who are interested in developing education courses or programs based in Caring Science and how it then evolved to an incorporated not-for-profit organization in order to produce the HCC2019 conference.
Why are we offering memberships in the organization, what do members receive, and why should you become a member? The answers are neither mysterious nor complicated. GAHCE wants you to become a member and it provides a financial incentive to you for joining because: the membership fees that GAHCE will receive will support the organization’s operations. And we hope that you will renew your membership in the years to come. But, more importantly, we want to grow the membership so that we can build an active community of like-minded human caring education colleagues. You should become a member because of simple math: if you pay $50, you will save $100. But also, and again more importantly, so you can be a part of an active community of like-minded human caring education colleagues.
Win-win, right?
As always, follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter, Like us on Facebook, and, of course, Share the Love!
See you at HCC2019.